Legambiente, recognised by the Ministry of the Environment as an association of environmental interest, is the most widespread conservation group in Italy. It has more than 1,000 local groups, 20 regional committees, 115,000 partners and supporters, about 30,000 classrooms participating in environment educational programmes, as well as 3,000 participants in voluntary fields, and finally over 60 natural areas that are directly or cooperatively managed. Legambiente is a member of Federparchi (Italian Parks and Natural Reserves Federation), IUCN (World Conservation Union), FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), EEB (European Environmental Bureau) and of other Italian and foreign networks for environmental protection. This association carries out information and awareness campaigns such as Goletta Verde (Green Schooner), that each summer gives an accurate picture of the Italian sea health, or Treno Verde (Green Train), that measures air and noise pollution in towns. It promotes both environmental voluntary work through âPuliamo il mondo â Spiagge e fondali pulitiâ (Letâs Clean the World â Cleaned Beaches and Seabeds Project), and voluntary fields in order to involve young people in the environmental reclamation. Legambiente fights against environmental illegal acts and rallies for fostering renewable energy, energy conservation and sustainable lifestyle. This association aims to promote and protect natural protected areas, biodiversity and sustainable development by means of many projects and initiatives such as APE âAppennino Parco dâEuropaâ (Appenines, Park of Europe), that resulted in the Convention of the Apennines, and âNatura e Territorioâ (Nature and Territory) through which Legambiente manages many protected areas directly or collaboratively with other institutions. Since 2000 it has carried out some projects funded under Life programme.